국제형법상 기결수 영어로
영어 번역
- People convicted of international crimes
- 기결수 prisoner; con; convict
- 국제형법상 무혐의 석방자 People acquitted of international crimes
- 국제형법 국제형법 국제형법 International criminal law
- 국제형사재판소 기결수 People convicted by the International Criminal Court
- 구유고슬라비아 국제형사재판소 기결수 People convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- 국제재판소 기결수 People convicted by international courts and tribunals
- 극동국제군사재판 기결수 People convicted by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
- 간첩죄 기결수 People convicted of spying
- 강간죄 기결수 People convicted of rape
- 강도죄 기결수 People convicted of robbery
- 고살죄 기결수 People convicted of manslaughter
- 남색죄 기결수 People convicted of sodomy
- 모살죄 기결수 People convicted of murder
- 반역죄 기결수 People convicted of treason
- 벨젠 재판 기결수 People convicted in the Belsen trial